Thursday, September 16, 2010

DTS in full blast!!

Here in Panama we are currently having our first Discipleship Training School. This God-loving team of 11 (plus 2 children) students began their lecture phase in Chilibre, Panama. We travelled to an Embera village deep in the jungle to bless the work begun by their own indigenous leader who taught us about their culture. We have been in Bocas del Toro now for three weeks. In that time we have had a new teacher come to share not only their knowledge of God, but their life experience. It's a YWAM principle that you must live what you teach.
The students have been learning to hear the voice of God, reliance upon the Holy Spirit, and understanding what it means to have a christian world view. Most importantly the students are learning the character of God, and their role as a child of the Most High. We have painted a mural in the local nursing home, and prepared a special meal for them with beautifully sung worship songs. We will be working with the Indigenous people in the jungle by having a day of teaching on creation with songs, crafts, and pictures.
In Costa Rica we celebrated the 50th anniversary of YWAM, and the DTS learned that true worship is a lifestyle of gratitude for all that we have and for all God does for us everyday. We also had the honor of doing a drama for the opening ceremony which included dancing and costumes from many different cultures, including the indigenous from Panama.

One Saturday we had a prayer walk. We walked all over the property, and to the neighbors' huts. We prayed for people to be healed and prayed blessings on their families. One young woman named Amalia was moved by the prayers and repented of her sins and accepted Christ as her Savior. She was so filled with His love that tears streamed down her face as she was immediately baptized along with some students above a waterfall behind her house. It was obvious the glory of God shone through each person. It would truly take another several pages to share all that God is doing, and we are overwhelmed with gratitude and awe.
All discipleship training schools go on a two month outreach to put into practice all they have learned. After much prayer we believe God is directing us to Europe. Please pray for provision as we follow his leading to minister to orphans, areas abounding with prostitution and human trafficking and areas that once were Christian, but have become darkened through belief systems that no longer rely on the God of the bible. Pray that we can reclaim the heritage of the fear of the Lord as we travel and minister abroad.

Prayer requests...
For help to disciple Amalia and her family, and other new believers here.
For provision for the outreach
For our son, Kellen, and his fiance, Ashley. Their wedding is in November.
For all the students and staff, that the world would know we are Christians by our love.