Monday, May 19, 2008

Nicarguan Team in Panama

We had the pleasure of meeting people from YWAM Nicaragua in January, when they came to bless those around us. They did a vacation bible school for the kids, and sports ministry. They worked extremly hard building a gaming area on our base, where we invited the indigenous to come and hang out and play for the afternoon. They went into the villages and played baseball, and very honestly, were whipped by the indigenous. GO TEAM BOCAS!! We saw relationships developing as spending time together deepens our understanding and friendships with those we've come to serve.

The team also helped finish painting the circle room;the girls dorm area. It is now filled with interlocking circles that change colors when they intersect. This is a visual picture of how our lives touch others, and in the intersection, both lives are enriched with a new vibrant color!!

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