Thursday, December 11, 2008

New Jersey Visits Panama

We call our next team from New Jersey the “Disaster Relief Dream Team” to come to Panama. I will try to describe some of our week together. Dale just returned the day before they arrived from a total hip replacement. I was very nervous about driving the boat as I had not really done it much for fear of the engine breaking. My son Kellen, 20, flew down from the states and just learned to drive the boat. The first day, after picking up the team from Isla Colon, just upon reaching our dock the steering cable broke. Pete, one of the leaders of the team, though he had never worked on a boat before, spent the day figuring out what happened, and we were able to jump on a water taxi to the mainland and get the cable which he promptly replaced. This is a miracle, nothing is easy to find in Panama.

That was the start of the week. They walked through the jungle right after a rain storm to visit the school next door. They were not only allowed to come and present their gospel message, they were invited to present it DURING school. All through the week one thing after another broke. The bathroom sink leaked, and was fixed by Lee. We got a mule, a small utility vehicle so that my husband would no longer have to walk up and down the long hill. It came on a barge, but the road wasn’t quite right. They worked long, grueling hours in extreme heat and humidity to get the mule unstuck, and then fixed the road everyplace that it needed to be widened. Everyone worked, the girls right alongside the guys.

Then came the visit to Pedro’s village. We wanted to show the Jesus Film for children brought by Ginny. First the speakers blew, so it was quiet. Then the DVD drive suddenly didn’t work, but thankfully the DVD was shown. Afterwards, stepping way out of their comfort zone, they boldly prayed for everyone in the room, as well as some teens outside. It wasn’t a generic prayer, they literally went around and touched each person, and all the guys prayed for the leader of the village, Pedro. One of the teens was too “cool” to come in, but shimmied up a tree and peered through the opening to watch the video. They even went outside and prayed for him. Heading home, the boat engine conked out. Instead of complaining, or even showing fear, they sang praises as we rowed ashore, and once again the Dream Team came to the rescue and fixed the problem, a clogged fuel line.

This is just some of what they did, but who they really were was a blessing to us. They never complained. Through every trial, they loved on one another and us. They apologized when they even began to get snippy. They encouraged our family beyond what words can express. They lifted us up in prayer and they worshiped every day and every night. They recognized the attack for what it really was, things were changed in the heavens because they were here, and the enemy didn’t like it. They rejoiced with us, because we all knew that kingdom ground was taken.

Truly, if they weren’t here when they were I don’t know what we would have done. They were an answer to prayer, and we are so grateful for them.
Thanks again New Jersey team!! We miss you all!

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